LS7232 touch stepless dimming light circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:红水杯 Keywords: Stepless dimming touch type dimming lamp Updated: 2020/06/01
It is a touch-type stepless
dimming table lamp circuit
made of LS72 other integrated circuits. LS7232 is a touch-type dimming dedicated integrated circuit produced by I.SI Company. Its functions
are completely similar to those of S567 and 5(;7232) etc., they can be used directly interchangeably.
I. S7232 is manufactured using PMOS process, standard DIP-8 package, the functions of each pin are as follows. Pin ①V Cuan
(positive) and ⑦ pin Vm (negative) are sufficient for the lH source end . Pin ② (1K, ⑤ pin SE and ⑥ pin SI. They are all phase shift control terminals,
among which pin ② is the input terminal of the fade-out clock. Each time a down-jump pulse is sent out, the integrated block pin ia enters... The trigger
pulse phase lags about 1', and the lamp brightness is reduced. When the minimum brightness is reached, the state and LED tubes are completely turned off.
⑤ The pin is the r-touch terminal of the skylight and the eight-light system, and the human body feels 5. Hz AC f乜J1. After adding high impedance iU resistance,
the light-on operation can be completed within 39-399 rns when the touch signal is touched; when the touch signal is greater than: ~9i4ms (approximately (1 4s),
the light-on operation is completed and the The function of pin ⑥ is the same as that of pin ⑤. There is no special wiring in this part to ensure that the K line is not easily disturbed when it is twisted
at a long distance The pin ④SYN is the power butterfly. The synchronization input is locked by Uchiro PI, I. It serves as the zero-phase reference for the output pulse generated
by the phase shift circuit and brightness memory circuit . Pin ③C. is
the external terminal of the low-pass filter capacitor of Uchiro PIJI (}Li capacity is 0.047-O. 1[PLF], pin ⑧j., is the negative
trip trigger pulse output terminal, the pulse width is ") pS, and it draws a large current of 25mA to trigger the thyristor rectifier. I.
The power supply voltage range used by Si20l is 13 - -The ISV value is 1 SV.
In the figure, VD, vs, R. and (1) and a simple resistor step-down half-wave rectifier voltage regulator circuit output
15V DC voltage for the integrated block. M is the touch electrode. The film can achieve stepless lighting by simply touching it . The degree of light is determined by M when the hand is away from +|=M. How to temporarily touch (less than 0.1s) M. Then
the operation of turning on and off
the light can be realized. .
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