SS0622 touch step dimming light circuit
Source: InternetPublisher:两手空空 Keywords: Touch type dimmer light BSP Updated: 2020/11/09
The touch dimming table lamp made of SS0622 integrated circuit can provide
various ways to dim the light according to the user's needs, such as step-by-step touch mode dimming.
SS0622 is manufactured using the COMS process and comes in a standard DIP-14 package. It has two dimming modes and can be
applied to both 60Hz and 50}Iz AC
power grids. It has the characteristics of simple peripheral circuit
and reliable operation.
The functions of each pin are as follows: ① Pin ZC
is the zero-crossing signal input: ② Pin
(JSC1, ③ pin ()sc2, are
the external oscillation resistor terminals respectively; ④ pin
SF, ISF-, are the touch signal output
terminals; ⑤ pin Tl, are the touch signal
detection terminal; ⑥ pin T2, are the touch
signal detection terminals Terminal 2; ⑦ pin V., "
positive power terminal; ⑧ pin 60 50, AC (iO., oOHz, frequency selection terminal: ⑨ pin MODF., working mode
control ; ⑩ pin and @ pin NC, empty pin: 0 pin (】I, T. Trigger signal output terminal: ⑩ pin V.,, negative
terminal of power supply; @ pin PWR, power reset terminal. SS0622 uses power supply voltage, range is 8-12V.
220V AC power through R, Falling Ji, VD2 half-wave rectifier, vs stable and (. The filter outputs a stable 10V DC voltage for SS0622 to use. The touch signal is added to the touch
signal input end
of the integrated block through the touch electrode sheet M, (, t, R-
The ④ pin, after being processed by the internal circuit of the integrated block, the trigger signal output by the ⑩ pin is added
to the control pin of the thyristor VTH through R, c. to control its conduction angle, thereby achieving the day of dimming. SS0622 ⑨
The pin is the mode control terminal MODF:. When this terminal is left floating and M is touched repeatedly, the brightness of the lamp H will press: weak light +
medium light - brightest - off - ten - collapse light -... cycle; when the waste end is connected to low level (that is, connected to the integrated When the Us end of the block is pressed),
when M is touched repeatedly, the electronic spider F brightness presses: High light - medium light - brightest - medium light - / low light + off - low light -...
cycle. Readers can determine it according to their own needs.
R, Provide the AC zero-crossing signal for the integrated block, that is, change the conduction angle from the AC zero-crossing point, which can
effectively reduce the harmonic radiation of the circuit, so this circuit will not cause radio frequency interference to surrounding electrical appliances. VD1, VI)3
The limiter is formed to reduce the high voltage that can be input to protect the integrated block SS0622 from damage.
Connect an external oscillation resistor to SS0622. If
this circuit is used in a 110V/60Hz AC power grid, the ⑧ of the integrated block SS0622 should be connected . The AC 60:50
selection terminal should be left floating. At the same time, the resistance of the voltage-reducing current-limiting resistor should be reduced accordingly (at this time, R. can take
a value of about 15kfl).
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