Home > Control Circuits >Motor Control > Digital PWM connection diagram composed of ZPS-101

Digital PWM connection diagram composed of ZPS-101

Source: InternetPublisher:newlandmark Keywords: PWM BSP computer Updated: 2020/12/02

2. Digital<strong>PWM</strong> connection diagram composed of Z<strong>PS</strong>-101.gif

When the basic application circuit AC and DC circuits use power transistors as switching devices
, if they are directly controlled by a computer , it is recommended to wire them as shown in Figure 6-9. The computer
sends RCT, OCT, FCT, and VCT signals to ZPS-101 at a given frequency to generate OR1,
OR2, OY1, OY2, OB1, and OB2 signals. After isolation and amplification, the power transistor is driven
to obtain the three-phase The PWM voltage is connected to the AC asynchronous motor.
    At this time, A/D and unused A+, A, B+, B, c+, and C are all grounded.
    The DC overvoltage, overcurrent signal and stall signal are obtained by the PTR group and sent to the computer
for processing, so that the frequency reduction and frequency increase are suspended during the frequency reduction and upgrading process. The fault signal generates a [signal to the computer to block all outputs of
the Z PS
-101.     The output AC current signal is rectified and sent to the computer for processing to obtain the inverse time-limited overcurrent
protection function.
  The reversal signal informs the computer, which lowers the frequency from the set value to zero, and
then increases the frequency to the set value after entering and exiting the cw signal.




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