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PLC programmable controller characteristics

Source: InternetPublisher:抄写员 Keywords: plc programmable controller Updated: 2021/02/12

When it comes to industry, you have to look at Germany. When it comes to controllers, you have to look at Germany's Siemens. When it comes to PLC, only professionals know that it is a kind of digital calculation specially designed for application in industrial environments. The operating electronic device has the characteristics of simple programming, complete functions, safety and reliability, strong anti-interference, and easy use. Relay, also known as electric relay, is an electronic control component with a control system and a controlled system. It has the functional characteristics of automatic adjustment, safety protection and conversion circuit. Compared with relays, programmable controllers have advantages in control, efficiency, function, and safety.

PLC programmable controller characteristics

Let’s take a look at the advantages of programmable controllers compared to relays:

1. Strong functionality: A PLC has hundreds of programming components for users to use, which can realize complex control functions. At the same time, it can be connected to the Internet to achieve remote control and centralized management functions. Compared with relays, the functionality is very high. powerful.

2. Save materials and facilitate installation: During installation, programmable controllers have much less wiring than relays, so a lot of wiring and accessories can be saved. At the same time, installation time can be reduced, and material and manpower can be saved. , the cost will naturally be reduced.

3. Small size: In complex control systems, with programmable controllers, the use of relays is greatly reduced. At the same time, PLC is small and easy to install inside the machine. The size of the cabinet can also be reduced due to the reduction of relays.

4. Few faults and easy maintenance: The programmable controller has a lower fault incidence rate than relays, and it has complete self-diagnosis and display functions, which can quickly troubleshoot and solve faults.

5. The programming method is simple: use ladder diagram for programming. The ladder diagram language is intuitive, easy to learn and understand, and the circuit symbols and expressions are similar to the relay schematic diagram.

6. Strong safety and reliability: In modern life, when we choose a product, most of us will consider its safety. After all, it concerns ourselves. PLC is highly integrated and has its own protection circuit and diagnostic functions, which greatly improves the system. The reliability makes users feel more at ease.

7. Flexible configuration and strong applicability: Just like building blocks, users only need simple combination programming to flexibly change the control system to achieve the functions they need. The trial range is very wide.

8. Fast control speed: The relay control system relies on the mechanical action of the contacts to achieve control. Its working frequency is low, and the opening and closing actions of the contacts are generally on the order of several milliseconds. The PLC control system is controlled by program instructions to control the conductor circuit, and the speed is fast. The above are some descriptions of the characteristics of PLC programmable controllers, which I believe will be helpful to designers.




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