I hope to use esp8266 to display data on the APP. The current situation is that WIFI can establish a connection with the APP, and the serial port data can be received through the computer, but the data cannot be sent to the mobile phone through wifi. How can I solve this problem? (The computer's transmission line and esp8266 use the same serial port)
The relevant programs are as follows:
MCU main function:
#include "string.h"
#define uchar unsigned char
#define uint unsigned int
unsigned char idata Rxbuff[50],Rxnum;
extern unsigned char F16T,F16RH; //Temperature and humidity data
sbit LED1=P2^2;
sbit LED2=P2^4;
unsigned char getflag;//Get flag
void InitUART(void);
void delayms(unsigned int x);
void UART_send_byte(char dat);
void ESP8266_SERVER(void);
void Send_Str(unsigned char *buf);
void main()
unsigned char Tx_Buf[10];
delayms(1000); //Delay for a while to let the WIFI module stabilizeInitUART
(); //Initialize the serial portESP8266_SERVER
(); //Initialize ESP8266
getDHT11(); //Get the temperature and humidity
valuesTx_Buf[0]=F16T/10%10+0x30; //Frame
headerTx_Buf[1]=F16T%10+0x30; //Send the temperature and humidity data to the sending array and send it to the module for display on the mobile phone
APPTx_Buf[2]= ';';
Send_Str(Tx_Buf);//Send dataLED2
void InitUART(void) //This is the basic configuration of the serial port, and configures its baud rate to 9600. These parameters are standard.
TMOD = 0x20;
SCON = 0x50;
TH1 = 0xFD;
TL1 = TH1;
PCON = 0x00;
EA = 1;
ES = 1;
TR1 = 1;
void delayms(unsigned int x)
unsigned int i;
//UART sends one byte
void UART_send_byte(char dat)
SBUF = dat; //Send
while (TI == 0); //Wait for sending to be completed
TI = 0; //Clear the interrupt request flag when sending is completed
//UART sends a string
void Send_Str(unsigned char *buf)
while (*buf != '\0')
void ESP8266_SERVER(void)//Establish server
ES = 0;
TI = 1;
Send_Str("AT+CWMODE=2\r\n"); //The server is built on the WIFI module
Send_Str("AT+CWSAP=\"WiFi_mushu\",\"12345678\",5,3\r\n"); //Set the display name: wifi, password: 12345678
Send_Str("AT+CIPMUX=1\r\n");//Start multiple connections, both servers need to be configured
Send_Str("AT+CIPSERVER=1,5000\r\n");//Establish server
TI = 0;
ES = 1;
APP related program
package com.example.wifi_mushu;
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity;
import android.annotation.SuppressLint ; import android.os.Bundle; import android.os.Handler; import android.os.Message; import android.view.View; import android.widget.Button; import android.widget.EditText; roid.widget.Toast ; import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.IOException; importimportjava.io.InputStreamReaderimport java.io.OutputStream ; import java.net.InetAddress ; import java.net.Socket; import java.net.UnknownHostException; public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { //Definethecontrol EditText edGateIp , edGateSn ; Button btnSearch , btnLogin ; //Message mechanismprivateHandler messageHandler ; // OpenasocketSocket socket = null ; OutputStream OutputStream = null ; //Define data output stream for sending dataBufferedReader bufferedReader ; //Declare input stream objectInputStream InputStream = null ; // Definedata input stream for receiving data//Definelogical variables for judging server connectionstatusbooleanisConnected = false ;
// Used to control whether the data reading thread is executed boolean RD = false ; // Test area Button fs ; EditText sjfs , sjjs ; @SuppressLint ( "HandlerLeak" ) @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super .onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R.layout. activity_main ); // Control binding edGateIp = findViewById(R.id. edGateIP ); edGateSn = findViewById(R.id. edGateSn ); btnSearch = findViewById(R.id. btnSearch ); btnLogin = findViewById(R.id. btnLogin ); // Display control final TextView wendu = (TextView)findViewById(R.id. wendu ); final TextView shidi = (TextView)findViewById(R.id. shidu ); final TextView kongqi = (TextView)findViewById(R.id. kongqi ); // Auto-fill button event btnSearch .setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // Automatically fill in the server's fixed IP address and port edGateIp .setText( "" ); edGateSn .setText( "5000" ); } }); // Connect to server button event btnLogin .setOnClickListener( new View.OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View v) { // Fault tolerance mechanism // Take out the text box content to determine whether the input box is empty String ip = edGateIp .getText().toString(); String sn = edGateSn .getText().toString(); if ((ip == null || ip.length() == 0 ) && (sn == null || sn.length() == 0 )) { Toast.makeText (MainActivity.this , " IP address and port number cannot be empty " , Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show(); } else if (ip == null || ip.length () == 0 ) {
Toast.makeText (MainActivity.this , " IPaddress cannot be empty", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ).show(); } else if (sn == null || sn.length() == 0 ) { Toast.makeText (MainActivity.this , " Portnumber cannot be empty" , Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ) .show(); } else { //Judge server connection statusif(isConnected != true ) { //Createa newSocket ( in thread mode) connectionnewClientThread ().start(); //Button text changebtnLogin.setText ( "Disconnect" ); //Page messageToast.makeText ( MainActivity.this , " Serverconnection successful" , Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ) .show(); //Secondjudgment, whether the server is connectedif ( socket == null ) { //Ifnot connected, the button text is changed to connect to the server, and the page message promptsbtnLogin.setText( " Connectto server" ); Toast.makeText (MainActivity.this , " Connectionerror, please checkthe WiFiis connected, andwhetherthe IP and port are entered correctly!",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ) .show(); } } else { //The server is disconnected when the button is pressedif( socket ! = null ) { try { //Exit the serversocket.close (); //Server status is emptysocket= null ; // Serverconnection state changes to emptyisConnected= false ; // Readdata thread does not executeRD = false ; btnLogin .setText( "Connect to server" ); //Pagetext displayToast.makeText ( MainActivity.this , " Disconnectedfrom the server!",Toast.LENGTH_SHORT ) .show();
} catch (IOException e) {
// } } } } }); //Message processing mechanismmessageHandler = new Handler() { //Wait forsocketconnection to succeedpublic void handleMessage(android.os.Message msgMessage) { String receiveString = "" ; switch (msgMessage. what ) { case1 : receiveString = msgMessage. obj .toString(); String temp[] = DataString. split ( ";" ); wendu .setText(temp[ 0 ]); shidi .setText(temp[ 1 ]); kongqi .setText(temp[ 2 ]); } } }; } //Use threads to createSocketconnections. Threads are not allowed to updateUI(implemented usingHandler)public class ClientThread extends Thread { public void run() { //Define two variables to storeIPand port number InetAddress GateIp; int GateSn; try { //Judgesockedto prevent repeated executionif( socket == null ) { //Get the inputIPaddressGateIp = InetAddress.getByName ( edGateIp .getText ().toString()); //Get the inputportGateSn = Integer.parseInt ( edGateSntoString ()); //Create a newsocketconnectionsocket = new Socket(GateIp, GateSn); //Getthe socketand receive dataInputStream= socket .getInputStream (); //Get the input stream and outputstreambufferedReader = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader( socket .getInputStream())); OutputStream = socket .getOutputStream(); //
The received data can be used in the main thread or directly operated in this thread char [] buffer = new char [ 265 ]; // Define an array to receive input stream data String bufferString = "" ; // Define a character to receive string array data int count = 0 ; // Initialize the length of the buffer array to 0 int tag = 0 ; // The initial write position of the array // Indicates that the server has been established and the connection isConnected = true ; // Infinite loop to repeatedly receive input stream data and process it while ( true ) { // When the length of the input stream written to the buffer array is greater than 0 , the data has been received while ((count = bufferedReader .read(buffer)) > 0 ) { // Write all the data in the buffer array into the bufferString character type while (tag < buffer.length ) { bufferString = bufferString + buffer[ tag ]; tag++; } // Give the data to messageHandler to refresh the UI interface Message msgMessagr = new Message(); msgMessagr.obj = bufferString; msgMessagr.what = 1 ; messageHandler .sendMessage(msgMessagr); // Initialize data in order to process the next input stream information tag = 0 ; bufferString = "" ; } } } // Error prompt //UnknownHostExceptionDNS resolution error //IOException read and write file exception } catch (UnknownHostException e) { // Print the exception information on the command line, the location and cause of the error in the program e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { // Print the exception information on the command line, the location and cause of the error in the program e.printStackTrace(); } } } }