The LM317 is a three-terminal adjustable positive voltage regulator integrated circuit from National Semiconductor. Major integrated circuit manufacturers in my country and the world have similar products available for selection, and they are an extremely widely used type of series integrated voltage regulator. The output voltage range of LM317 is 1.25V-15V (the designed output voltage range of this kit is 1.25V-15V), and the maximum load current is 1A. It is very simple to use, requiring only two external resistors to set the output voltage. In addition, its line regulation and load regulation are better than standard fixed regulators. LM317 has built-in overload protection, safe zone protection and other protection circuits. To ensure the output performance of the voltage regulator, R should be less than 240 ohms. The regulated voltage value can be adjusted by changing the RP resistance value. D5, D6 are used to protect LM317. Input voltage: AC≤15V DC≤15V Output voltage: DC1.25 V—15V continuously adjustable output current: 1A Output voltage calculation formula: Uo=(1+RP/R)*1.25
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