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Loop analysis and compensation of Buck converter in switching power supply

Total of 6 lessons ,1 hours and 26 minutes and 16 seconds

Loop analysis and compensation of Buck converter of switching power supply
1. Transfer function H(s) 0:43-3:06
2. Review of control theory 3.07:-4:21
3. System stability criteria 4:23-8:50

4. Buck converter architecture review - voltage mode 8:51-13:18
5. Time domain performance of the compensator 13:19-15:40
6. Pole and zero point 15:41-17:18

7. Second-order system transfer Function H(s) 17:19-19:47 
8. Gain/phase curve of second-order LC circuit 19:49-22:01
9. PWM generator 22:02-24:03
10. Overall gain of power supply 24: 04-25:22
11. Power circuit gain of analog power supply 25:23-26:10
12. Example calculation 26:11-26:35

13. Influence of output capacitor equivalent series resistance ESR 26:36-28:41
14 , Open-loop loop gain 28:42-30:59
15. Establishing a closed-loop control system 31:00-31:37
16. Compensator transfer function 31:38-32:56
17. Compensator frequency response 32:56- 34:02
18. Compensator transfer function 34:03-35:10
19. Analog compensator design case 35:11-38:50

20. Open loop gain 38:54-39:05
21. Open loop gain Bird Figure 39:06-39:18
22. Switching power supply stability test - network analyzer (loop analyzer) 39:19-41:49
23. Load dynamic test 41:50-42:19
24. Typical switching power supply Dynamic response characteristics 42:20-44:10

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