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  • Design and simulation of EDA5 digital instrument
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  • Duration:3 minutes and 42 seconds
  • Date:2017/05/21
  • Uploader:老白菜
The main contents of the course include basic knowledge of semiconductors, basics of amplifier circuits, multi-stage amplifier circuits, integrated operational amplifier circuits, frequency response of amplifier circuits, feedback of amplifier circuits, signal operation and processing, waveform generation and signal conversion, and power amplifier circuits. , DC regulated power supply and image reading of analog electronic circuits, etc. This course enables students to acquire basic knowledge, basic theories and basic skills in analog electronics technology through the analysis and design of commonly used electronic devices, analog circuits and their systems, laying the foundation for in-depth study of electronic technology and its application in professional fields. Base.

Reference textbooks for this course: Hua Chengying, Tong Shibai, "Fundamentals of Analog Electronic Technology", Higher Education Press., 2006
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