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  • Implementation of digital signal processing system (15)
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  • Duration:20 minutes and 55 seconds
  • Date:2017/03/19
  • Uploader:老白菜
The digital signal processing course is a course for third-year students majoring in electronic information. It is a course that lays the foundation for students to learn professional knowledge after they have completed the signal and system courses. This course will enable students to master the basic theories and methods of digital signal processing through lectures, exercises, and experiments. The course should avoid extensive duplication of content from the "Signals and Linear Systems" course while maintaining the integrity of the course. While briefly reviewing discrete-time signal and system theory, the discussion is closely linked to some specific issues in digital signal processing. Students should also master some necessary software tools when studying this course, which is not only conducive to strengthening conceptual understanding, but also an indispensable step for further study and research in the future.
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