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Circuit design--alarm acquisition board project design

Total of 9 lessons ,3 hours and 59 minutes and 39 seconds

Circuit design - Alarm acquisition board project design

1. Case analysis
A. Interpretation of customer requirements 1:40-11:03
B. What is hardware 11:10-12:52
2.485 module analysis 14:15-31:59
3.LED Driver 32:10-50:25
4. Backlight driver 50:30-53:30
5. Buzzer 53:32-55:20
6. Button 55:30-59:57

7. Microcontroller 1:50-5: 28This is the content of the second live broadcast
8.MCU 5:29-47:37
9.EEPROM 47:42-55:11
10.Power supply 59:41-1:04:42

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