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Do you know the overview of flip chip for automotive applications?

Source: InternetPublisher:偷熊计划 Keywords: Flip Infineon Updated: 2020/11/07

What is a flip chip for automotive applications? Do you know? Infineon Technologies AG (FSE: IFX / OTCQX: IFNNY) is now moving towards the smallest automotive electronic power supply. As the first chip manufacturer, Infineon has created a specialized flip-chip packaging production process, which fully meets the high-quality requirements of the automotive market. Infineon now launches its first related product: the linear voltage regulator OPTIREG™ TLS715B0NAV50.

Do you know the overview of flip chip for automotive applications?

With flip-chip technology, the IC can be mounted upside down in the package. By having the heated part of the IC facing the bottom of the package and close to the PCB, the thermal conductivity can be increased by a factor of 2-3. Its higher power density significantly reduces product size compared to traditional packaging technologies.

Thanks to dedicated automotive flip-chip technology, the OPTIREG™ TLS715B0NAV50 is over 60% smaller than the reference product

This new linear regulator from Infineon (in TSNP-7-8 package, 2.0 mm x 2.0 mm) is 60% smaller than the existing reference product (in TSON-10 package, 3.3 mm x 3.3 mm) % or more, while the thermal resistance remains unchanged. This makes the new device particularly suitable for applications where board space is very limited, such as radar and cameras. OPTIREG TLS715B0NAV50 has a voltage of 5V and a maximum output current of 150 mA.

OPTIREG™ TLS715B0NAV50 linear regulator operates at 5 V and has a maximum output current of 150 mA

Flip chip technology has been used in consumer and industrial markets for several years. Given today's increasingly stringent space requirements (especially with the increasing number of radars and cameras), there is also a need for smaller power solutions in automotive electronics - but at the same time higher quality requirements. In order to provide best-in-class flip-chip quality, Infineon does not rely on subsequent certification of existing consumer and industrial products, but on dedicated production processes for automotive devices.

In the future, Infineon will use flip-chip technology to enhance its automotive power supply portfolio in the OPTIREG series. Infineon plans to apply this technology to switching mode regulators and power management ICs. The above is the analysis of flip-chip for automotive applications. I hope it can be helpful to everyone.




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