• Duration:19 minutes and 13 seconds
  • Date:2014/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
Multisim includes graphical input of circuit schematics and circuit hardware description language input. It has rich simulation analysis capabilities and is very suitable for board-level analog/digital circuit board design work. Through this multisim video tutorial included on this site, you can have a detailed and systematic grasp of it.

Engineers can use Multisim to interactively build circuit schematics and simulate the circuit. Multisim abstracts the complex content of SPICE simulation so that engineers can quickly capture, simulate and analyze new designs without knowing in-depth SPICE technology, which also makes it more suitable for electronics education. Through Multisim and virtual instrument technology, PCB design engineers and electronics educators can complete a complete integrated design process from theory to schematic capture and simulation to prototype design and testing.
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