Teach you step by step how to learn microcontrollers, from easy to deep, with a total of 61 videos, teaching you how to transform from a novice to a master of microcontrollers.
I installed a 5.5 version yesterday, but it doesn't work. The emulator doesn't respond when connected to the PC! The port in the computer device manager shows MSP-FET430UIF-CDC (COM4). I thought the d
[i=s]This post was last edited by guiguo on 2022-7-16 12:54[/i]First of all, I would like to thank Dejie for giving me this opportunity to further develop my hobbies. I am very happy to be shortlisted
[i=s]This post was last edited by shenshen927 on 2017-8-25 09:15[/i] The official firmware library for STM32 uses the F405 development board. Can this version of the firmware library be used for F407
I am writing a SIP program. I encountered such a difficulty. First, when generating the SIP soft panel, I created a window and got the handle hwndsip. I can output text directly on this panel by using
NXP's LPC246x series ARM7 is powerful, with a maximum main frequency of 72MHz. The main frequency needs to be generated by a phase-locked loop, so the configuration is more complicated, unlike the sim