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A socket circuit for checking whether color TV sets are fault-free

Source: InternetPublisher:桂花蒸 Updated: 2014/10/31

According to the basic causes and characteristics of the "three noes" failure of color TVs, this article introduces a socket that can quickly determine the cause of the failure, as shown in the attached figure. Plug the power cord of a color TV to be tested into CZ, turn on the power switch of the TV or turn it on remotely: 1. If the incandescent lamp does not emit light, it means that the fuse or the power switch is open. 2. If the incandescent lamp changes from luminous to non-luminous, it means that the degaussing circuit is normal and the rectifier circuit or power circuit needs to be checked. 3. If the incandescent lamp continues to be very bright, it means that there may be a short circuit in the power supply part of the machine. Focus on checking the rectifier and switching power supply circuits. 4. If the incandescent lamp suddenly lights up and then becomes brighter, it means that the power supply part is normal, but the line scan output part may have a short circuit. 5. If the incandescent lamp lights up suddenly and then dims again within a few seconds, this is a normal phenomenon of the TV. Raster, image and sound will then appear on the TV. 一种检查彩电三无故障的插座电路 By observing the above phenomena, you can check whether the TV is normal, so this socket is very practical.




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