Every development of communication technology will lead to changes in mobile phones. From 2G to 4G, mobile phones have undergone tremendous changes. Now that the 5G era has begun, will our 4G mobile p
Based on the previous two chapters, we will begin to introduce the general concepts of models. In the model/view architecture, the model provides a standard interface for views and delegates to access
module temperature (clk,dq, d,cont,temp); input clk;//clock 1MHZinput dq;//digital temperature serial input portoutput d;//control signal output portoutput cont;//Three-state gate control signaloutput
1. The GPIOgeneral-purpose I/O module (GPIO module) is equipped with complex logic multiplexer control circuits and multiplexing registers to multiplex digital I/O (GPIO) pins, all on-chip peripheral
I won’t draw the picture, I’ll borrow the picture from https://en.eeworld.com/bbs/thread-1118817-1-1.html
Since the zero point drift of this type of amplifier is very serious, it is basically rarely u
[i=s]This post was last edited by jameswangsynnex on 2015-3-3 19:58[/i] Owning standards means having the initiative in the industry. Facing the upcoming 3D era, Chinese, Japanese and Korean companies