Dear friends, the headhunting position is here! Electronic RD Supervisor - Foreign-funded medical device company, mainly responsible for the development of products related to respiratory anesthesia m
[color=#000][font=Arial]This routine is also a classic routine on the development board. I have modified the framework of the program to make it more suitable for future calls. The specific 4*4 keyboa
A very interesting and useful method for measuring currents less than 1A with a moving coil analog meter has been shown previously (Reference 1). This design allows considerable flexibility in the sel
I want to use CC1101 to make a small signal collection system with multiple nodes and a concentrator. The nodes collect signals and send information to the concentrator. The nodes send signals randoml
Every once in a while, the boards I get back have this problem. Suddenly, one of the boards has a short circuit. If I'm lucky, I can see the soldering problem. If I'm not lucky, I'll start removing th