The global variables are defined in the header file myhead.h:
union unit16{struct bit_def{char b0:1;....char b15:1;}bit;
unsigned int word ;};
union unit16 ControlR;
#define AO1 ControlR.bit.b0
[size=5]I got the LCD working today!! [/size] [size=5][color=#ff0000]But there is a problem. Beaglebone must be powered on first. If they are powered on together, Beaglebone will not work. The reason
DIY mobile phone + Blue Rain Night Material preparation During this period, I have been selecting components. First prepare the necessary components, buy what should be bought, apply for what should b
Please help me, I want to use 74hc595 to realize this function: #include "stc12c5410.h" #define uchar unsigned char #define uint unsigned int #define CAT=p1_5; #define STB=p1_6; #define CLK=p1_7; //St
If I put the interrupt for reading IIC in the timer interrupt, the program will die. If I put it outside, it can run normally. The interrupt time is set to 4ms. Reading 6050 data in the timer interrup
I need to add infrared support recently. I use 2440 and connect an infrared receiver to the board. I want to add infrared. Are the drivers used for infrared and serial ports the same? Or do I need to