The 2024 version of the ESP32 development tutorial based on ESP-IDF is aimed at basic beginners. I hope this series of tutorials can help you solve many problems and lead you on the road of ESP32 development.
In the program of the MM32 eMiniBoard development board, there are related functions of Systick. By combining it with the OLED screen, a second timer can be realized, and its running effect is shown i
[backcolor=rgb(239, 245, 249)]Since the program space is limited, I want to delete the initial data writing program and store the data directly in FRAM. How to do it? [/backcolor]
I'm so excited, the stuff I bought on tb finally arrived, I really thank eeworld for giving me this opportunity, the stuff is really good. The accelerometer sensor I'm going to use is adxl345, the gyr
The origin of commonly used scales - music in the eyes of engineering men Many people have asked Quanquan why you play so many instruments? I think in addition to spending time practicing, another rea