Why is it said that parallel circuits have a shunting effect? What I don't understand is: after adding a new resistor in parallel to the original load resistor, the current of the original load resist
Thermistor K value in lithium battery management circuit. If you use a different thermistor, you can choose to calculate and change the temperature coefficient using the attached excel document.
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I am working on reading and writing TF cards, using MSP430F5342. When I send CMD0, CMD55, and ACMD41, the return values are correct; but when I send CMD8, the V1.x card returns 0xFF, and the V2.0 card
[i=s]This post was last edited by wangerxian on 2022-6-6 14:08[/i]A few days ago, I saw a review posted on the forum, which was a Qinheng CH224EVT evaluation board [ https://en.eeworld.com/bbs/elecpla