This book is based on the author Li Wenqing's many years of experience in high-speed PCB design. It uses Allegr016.6 as the software platform and practicality as the principle. It explains in detail t
How to modify the Android system of VS-RK3288W and VS-RK3399 to never sleep? Based on Android 7.1 system, the system never sleeps: 1. Never sleeps in the code: \frameworks\base\services\core\java\com\
I want to exchange T-shirts. When can we have an event to exchange gold coins for T-shirts? This suggestion is that we should give more discounts and more favorable prices:pleased:
A low frequency card T5577 and its card reader, as shown belowNow I have two problems
1. When the card is placed against the card reader, the operation direction must be swiped horizontally from right