I just made a minimum system board for PIC16F877A, using an external crystal oscillator with a crystal oscillator capacitor of 20pF. After burning a routine from the textbook into it, it runs normally
[color=black][font=Verdana, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]The Lenovo laptop battery in the picture below is only 5600mAh, which is not as good as the three Xiaomi batteries in terms of numbers.[/font][
[i=s]This post was last edited by dontium on 2015-1-23 11:39[/i] Use TINA to make circuit design easier. I have used TINA before, but I was not familiar with it at that time. [url=deyisupport./blog/b/
I have the same board and the same program. I bought two 1602 LCDs. One displays normally, and the other displays garbled characters. Is it because of the different LCD screens or because of the LCD d
My platform is DM8148, and I get the Processor List by compiling the routine and printing it:
procId =0, procName=DSP
procId =1, procName=VIDEO-M3
procId =2, procName=VPSS-M3
procId =3, procNam