Home > Detection Circuits >Test Measurement Circuits > Class A super power amplifier

Class A super power amplifier

Source: InternetPublisher:吃掉星星 Keywords: Power amplifier BSP power amplifier potentiometer Updated: 2021/11/16

1.Super Class A<strong>Power Amplifier</strong>.gif

The selection and installation requirements of components are the same
as those of general fully complementary symmetrical power amplifiers . It should be noted that the two
diodes should be high-frequency diodes, or
replaced by a junction of high-frequency triodes. During installation, VT1 and VT2 must
be thermally coupled to the power amplifier tubes VT11 and VT12 to stabilize the static current.
    It can be seen from the structure of this circuit that in open loop, the quiescent currents of power amplifier tubes VT11 and
VT12 are determined by the constant current sources composed of VT1 and VT2 respectively
. During debugging, Rl and R3 are replaced by potentiometers. The test should be greater than
the actual measured resistance value when the constant current value is 2mA. Repeatedly adjust
the two potentiometers so that the final current is 100mA and the midpoint voltage is output.
If the voltage is zero volt, you can change it back with a fixed resistor after the oral adjustment, and then it can be put into
    The output power of this circuit is greater than 50w, and the voltage gain is 2.




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