Today I remembered to use the SD card, but found that the computer could not recognize it. I opened the disk manager, as shown in the figure: [img=552,169]
I saw in the data that STM32 can configure IO pins to open-drain mode and add pull-up resistors to achieve the effect of bidirectional IO. Today, when I was reading and writing a single-bus sensor DHT
After a long wait, the package finally arrived. Now I will make an unpacking report.First of all, the packaging box is very large.After unpacking, the upper and lower layers inside are protected by th
I use minicom to check the serial port information of 2410 in the newly installed fedora 7, but nothing is displayed! I can see it in the minicom of redhat9 and dnw of xp. The serial port settings are
As mentioned earlier, when we connect the guard voltage to the shield of the coaxial cable [1] , there may be a safety risk if the guard voltage is greater than 30V rms. Triaxial cable avoids this haz
I use IAR software, JTAG serial port emulator. When debugging, I initialize each pin. After the program is burned in, the software cannot recognize 430. For the same board, I changed another 430, whic