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  • Duration:17 minutes and 51 seconds
  • Date:2023/12/18
  • Uploader:Lemontree
keywords: ARM Linux
[Luban Cat] is a high-performance card computer brand launched by Yehuo. In the name of Luban, engineers are encouraged to inherit the innovative spirit of craftsmen like Luban and strive to become contemporary Luban; with the shape of a kitten, we hope that everyone will be as curious as children and cats. The spirit of exploration never stops, and the childlike innocence is always maintained.

It has hardware models with different performances, supports Ubuntu, Debian, Android and other systems, and provides multiple sets of teaching materials, covering pure application layer users and system development users, which can be suitable for card computers, educational robots, home intelligent hubs, Linux servers, and industrial boards. Wait for the scene.

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