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  • Altium Designer—Drawing a watchdog circuit
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  • Duration:21 minutes and 52 seconds
  • Date:2014/01/01
  • Uploader:EE资深网友
Overview, microcontroller test board schematic design, AD conversion circuit schematic design, self-excited multivibrator examples, VHDL application design examples, FPGA application design examples, digital circuit analysis, scanning characteristics analysis, analog amplifier circuit simulation, band-pass filtering Device simulation, Filter circuit simulation, bistable oscillator circuit simulation, basic methods of circuit simulation, making packaging components, making serial interface components, making seven-segment digital tube components, making transformer components, making LCD components, and performing signal integrity Analysis examples, watchdog circuit board design, PS7219 and MCU SPI interface circuit board design, alarm circuit schematic component list output, AD conversion circuit printout, volume control circuit report output, etc.
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