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Simple decoder

Source: InternetPublisher:抄写员 Keywords: Decoder BSP SRS Updated: 2021/05/17

38. Simple<strong>Decoder</strong>.gif

When sound enters the human ear from different directions from the top, bottom, left, and right of the head, it will be reflected from different angles of the auricle,
resulting in different changes in delay, frequency, and amplitude. Based on this, the human brain Determine the direction of the sound. This
effect caused by the pinna is called the HRTF listening rule. When recording various programs, because the recording microphone does not have
the structure of the human ear, the recorded program does not conform to the hearing rules of the human ear, and the sound field reproduced during replay It's a flat surface.
    SRS technology processes the sound signal according to HRTF rules , performs signal delay and other compensation, and finally makes the sound
signal conform to human hearing characteristics. The working principle of the SRS system is: adding and
subtracting Through calculation, the corrected signal of the sound field is extracted , and then mixed into the original left and right channels, which can
enhance the information of the center sound and surround sound, so that the listener can accurately judge the position of the sound and enhance the space. feel. The bilingual technology uses
the pinna effect of psychoacoustics to give the listener the feeling of being surrounded by an actual surround sound field, and psychologically and physiologically restores the effects
caused by actual sound sources such as direct sound, reflected sound, and reverberated sound at both ears. The sound wave state creates a natural and realistic three-dimensional
surround sound field, thus creating a strong and immersive experience. The BIM system block diagram is shown in the figure.




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