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  • Duration:51 minutes and 25 seconds
  • Date:2023/10/01
  • Uploader:Lemontree
keywords: PCB Cadence
In order to solve the problems reported by students that Allegro is difficult to operate, cannot use the new version, do not know where to start learning this tool, and cannot install it, we used the latest version of CadenceAllegro17.4 to record this course. List some commonly used operations of the software from the following directions: schematic symbols, schematic drawing, PCB packaging, and PCB drawing. Each operation will be explained in a hands-on manner, and important knowledge points will be explained. The PPT list allows every student to quickly master and apply it to high-speed PCB design practice.

Learning objectives:
1. Master the use of Orcad tools to draw schematic symbols
2. Master the use of Orcad tools to draw schematic diagrams
3. Master the use of Allegro tools to draw PCB packages
4. Master the use of Allegro tools for PCB layout and wiring
5. Master the use of Allegro tools for impedance , Rule design
6. Master the use of Allegro tools to output production gerber files

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