The MC79076 circuit is a new type of automatic ignition controller launched by Motorola. In actual application, it is best to use it in conjunction with the Darlington power tube produced by Motorola.
I designed a board using IMX287, and the system runs a WEB server. Now I want to equip the board with a wifi module so that the board has AP function, so that the mobile phone can connect to the board
Today I am almost stuck on the settings of TA0 and TA1. There is no mention of TA1 in the manual. But when simulating, TA1 has exactly the same registers as TA0, and they are defined in the header fil
Today I want to replace the previous 2.4 kernel with the 2.6.22 kernel, but it hangs at this place after compiling and burning it! vivi> boot Copy linux kernel from 0x00030000 to 0x30008000, size = 0x
[align=left]After reading this tutorial, you can get: Use [font=Times New Roman]UCGUI[/font][font=宋体] to develop the interface you want. [/font][/align][align=left]Assumption before starting: You have
Everyone: The hardware is connected to the network through a wireless network card. The software requires to detect the network connection status at all times and give a prompt when the network is dis