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Fundamentals of Integrated Circuit Design (Huazhong University of Science and Technology)

Total of 73 lessons ,15 hours and 25 minutes and 19 seconds

Understand the basic methods and technologies of today's integrated circuit design; master the basic structure, model and characteristics of MOS devices, master the principles of basic combinational logic circuits and sequential logic circuits; understand the basic process of microelectronic integrated circuit technology; understand the basic layout of integrated circuits ; Master the basic theory, qualitative and quantitative analysis methods, and design techniques of CMOS analog integrated circuits. Proficient in the basic theory, basic structure, and evaluation methods of digital integrated circuits. Finally, you will have the basic knowledge and basic methods to carry out integrated circuit design. Master the basic concepts, basic rules and basic analysis methods of integrated circuits, cultivate a way of thinking suitable for engineering disciplines, and improve logical thinking abilities.


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