I am working on a perpetual calendar project. The MCU I use is a Taiwan 10-speed 4-bit single-chip tm87p08 MCU with built-in LED driver. The com port is connected to the digital tube pen segment throu
I want to remotely update the altera loader chip EPCs128. After I call the asmi_parallel IP core, I can read and write data normally. However, after I send the sector_erase command, the data in the EP
Do you want to search for things that Google can't find? For example, social networking sites and personal information stored in the cloud and protected by passwords. A 19-year-old Israeli high school
[color=#333333][backcolor=rgb(238, 238, 238)][font=Arial]When debugging the following program, STLINK reports the error "Internal command error" and "Error while attempting to read 64 bytes from 0x800