Capacitors are one of the electronic components used in large quantities in electronic equipment. They are widely used in DC isolation, coupling, bypass, filtering, tuning circuits, energy conversion,
50 times faster measurement speed, say goodbye to outdated old systems; 4 channels to meet high-density measurement needs; intelligent testing; do you want all of these? Now NI PXL SMUs can meet all y
I have made a communication program based on CAN bus, which receives control instructions from the host computer regularly, but I will receive an error message every 3 or 4 hours. This problem has tro
China Embedded ARM Super Group 109739525 provides a communication platform for embedded practitioners, aiming to promote the popularization and development of embedded ARM in China. Welcome all expert
I made a hamster movement detector, which is mainly used to detect the number of hamster movement circles. The structure of the hamster box is as follows:Through three Halls, the number of movement ci