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Seminar: Nichicon’s new power storage device pioneering the IoT society

Total of 1 lesson ,24 minutes and 45 seconds

Nichicon has recently developed a small lithium-ion secondary battery that can be charged and discharged quickly, has a long life and is highly safe. In recent years, in order to realize an IoT society, it is necessary to install power supplies in all objects. However, when power supply wiring and battery replacement are difficult, energy collection technology that converts light, temperature, vibration, and radio waves into electricity, and secondary batteries that can repeatedly store and discharge energy at high frequencies become impossible. lack.

This seminar will explore the possibility of using the small lithium-ion secondary battery developed by Nichicon as a power storage device for IoT devices. In addition, this seminar will also introduce Nichicon's latest products of aluminum electrolytic capacitors, as well as technical support tools such as capacitor 3D CAD models, SPICE models, life calculations, and a series of short videos on capacitor basic knowledge for design engineers. explain.

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