My MP4 was working fine on any USB port on my office and home computers yesterday, but when I got off work yesterday, I left the USB plugged in when I turned off the computer, and it can't be recogniz
I have a question for experts. The MCU chip of the inspection instrument uses an ARM9 processor, and a SPI communication port is reserved for communication with the TN902 temperature measurement. So h
When we write a driver, we will write a sentence like: PnpSpi.dll $(_FLATRELEASEDIR)\PnpSpi.dll NK SH in platform.bib. Now the problem is, I don't want to put this pnpspi in the system default directo
[b][color=#ff0000]Live broadcast details: [/color][/b][url=]TI 25 cents to achieve 25 functions of MSP430 ferroelectric super value microcontroller