Hello everyone, this is the first time I made a circuit board by myself. When I was debugging, the microcontroller burned out. I couldn't find the reason. I hope you can help me. Thank you~, this is m
I bought two Launchpad boards, and the serial ports can only go up but not down, that is, the serial port data [color=#ff0000]430->PC[/color] works, but [color=#ff0000]PC->430 does not (I can't measur
To test the button battery with a constant current of 1mA, I have the following initial idea: use a 1mA constant current source as the load. Please refer to the attachment for the specific circuit. My
I used keil c51 V9.00 today.It feels very good. It is much better than keil 2 and keil 3. After cracking, there is no 2k limit and it can be used until 2027.
I also made a green version myself and wil