• Duration:31 minutes and 46 seconds
  • Date:2022/07/24
  • Uploader:抛砖引玉
keywords: MOSFET IGBT
Power semiconductor devices are an important branch of semiconductor devices. Like microelectronic chips (integrated circuit chips), they are both in the "stuck" range at this stage. Someone likened the relationship between power semiconductor devices and microelectronic chips like this: If the role of microelectronic chips can be compared to the human brain, the role of power semiconductor devices can be compared to the human heart, providing energy for the brain, and both are indispensable. Early power semiconductor devices, such as high-power diodes and thyristors (Thyristors, also known as silicon-controlled rectifiers - SCRs), were mainly used in industrial and power systems, so they are also called power electronic devices in China. Typical power processing functions include: frequency conversion, voltage conversion, current conversion, power amplification, power management, etc. With the rapid development of new power semiconductor devices represented by power MOS devices, the 4C market represented by computers, communications, consumer products and automotive electronics currently accounts for two-thirds of the power semiconductor application market. Therefore, power semiconductor devices are no longer the "power electronic devices" in people's minds. They are as indispensable as the human heart.

        "Power Semiconductor Devices" is a professional course in the electronic science and technology major and an important content of the provincial quality resource sharing course "Solid Electronic Devices". This course is based on the physics of semiconductor devices, with diodes, thyristors, power MOSFETs and IGBTs as representatives, analyzing their working principles and basic characteristics, and first establishing the intrinsic relationship between the working principles and basic characteristics of devices and microscopic mechanisms. On this basis, master the intrinsic relationship between performance, structural parameters and process parameters, and be able to design devices based on specified parameters.
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