Live Replay: Nexperia's New Choice for High Reliability IGBTs - Introduction to Nexperia's 650V IGBT and Its Advantages

Live Replay: Nexperia's New Choice for High Reliability IGBTs - Introduction to Nexperia's 650V IGBT and Its Advantages

IGBTNexperiaNexperia Semiconductor650V

1. Introduction to Nexperia IGBT product series 2. Features and application advantages of Nexperia 650V IGBT products

Total of 1 lessons1 hours and 1 minutes and 59 seconds

Live replay: ONSEMI SiC and IGBT isolated gate driver solutions suitable for optical storage and charging

Live replay: ONSEMI SiC and IGBT isolated gate driver solutions suitable for optical storage and charging

IGBTSiCOnSemiPhotovoltaic storage and charging

Electric vehicle chargers are often combined with energy storage systems to better manage power drawn from the grid. By using optimized isolated gate drivers, engineers can take full advantage of power modules and discrete devices to provide reliable control of Mosfets. This webinar will focus on ON Semiconductor's gate drivers and discuss how to optimize the gate drive voltage design for speed, thereby minimizing switching losses and taking full advantage of the device. It will also explain the problems that may be encountered when using gate drivers and how to deal with them. Finally, a series of new products will be shared with you for engineers to choose.

Total of 1 lessons18 minutes and 47 seconds

IGBT module technology, drivers and applications

IGBT module technology, drivers and applications


Total of 20 lessons11 hours and 8 minutes and 50 seconds

Power semiconductor devices

Power semiconductor devices


Typical power processing functions include: frequency conversion, voltage conversion, current conversion, power amplification, power management, etc. With the rapid development of new power semiconductor devices represented by power MOS devices, the 4C market represented by computers, communications, consumer products and automotive electronics currently accounts for two-thirds of the power semiconductor application market. Therefore, power semiconductor devices are no longer the "power electronic devices" in people's minds. They are as indispensable as the human heart.

Total of 31 lessons10 hours and 35 minutes and 58 seconds




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