This is a formaldehyde detector I bought on JD some time ago, because I wanted to test it when I moved to a new house, and I also wanted to understand the principle of this sensor. The price of this f
As the title says, now we can use 51 MCU and STM32 MCU to read MPU6050 data. But I am confused about the use of DMP. I don't know where to start and how to use DMP. If anyone has done it before, pleas
The issue of standby power consumption has become a hot topic of concern to the international community. Reducing the standby power consumption of household appliances not only means saving electricit
Here is an example of how to use tasks:
module bus_ctrl_tb;reg [7:0] data;reg data_valid, data_rd;cpu ul(data_valid,data,data_rd);initial begincpu_driver (8’b0000_0000);cpu_driver (8’b1010_1010);cpu_d