Several issues to note when using CMOS integrated circuits Several issues to note when using CMOS integrated circuits (ivyzeng) Integrated circuits are divided into two categories according to the pro
[p=24, null, left][color=rgb(43, 43, 43)][font=simsun, arial, helvetica, clean, sans-serif]Original title: The status of Ryukyu is undetermined and cannot be called "Japanese Okinawa"[/font][/color][/
[font=楷体_GB2312][size=4]First, here is a picture. This picture and text are excerpted from "Analog Integrated Circuit Basics" by Feng Minchang. The R and C are "acceleration" configurations in the swi
My board used to use the JTAG port to power the DVCC and DVSS, and there was a 3V voltage. But we made a converter board, and when we measured the voltage, it was only 1.5V. And when running, it would
When I call the MFC class library in WinCE5.0, it prompts that an unresolved external symbol, such as: GetDlgItemTextA, is available in the Windows development environment. How can I solve this proble