A single-chip microcomputer is a simplified microcomputer. The CPU itself has ROM and RAM memory. The CPU also has a bus inside the chip. IC (integrated circuit) technology is to make circuits on a si
According to the official example, the sending and receiving are back and forth, otherwise it keeps sending. I would like to ask if there is a separate function of receiving? Can you give me a program
I have NE5532, NE5534, OP07, OP27, and OP37. I need a high-speed op amp that can be used as a follower for laser ranging. I read some manuals and found that the two indicators, Slew rate and Rise time
sbit DQ =P2^1; //Define the port according to the actual situation typedef unsigned char byte;typedef unsigned int word; //延时void delay(word useconds){ for(;useconds0;useconds--);} //Reset byte ow_res
Yesterday I gave you two programs written in VHDL. Today I will share the Verilog routines. In fact, many large companies are currently developing with VHDL. It has strict syntax and standardized form