The original board had a cpld which has now been removed, leaving only a flash and sdram. It feels like a lot of things need to be changed, and I don't know where to start???
[i=s]This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 09:23[/i][i=s]This post was last edited by paulhyde on 2014-9-15 09:23[/i] Where are the pictures? ? ? ? I can’t see them~
I would like an expert to tell me the difference between BKP_ClearFlag() and BKP_GetITStatus() in STM32 .
The firmware library manual says:Function prototypeITStatus BKP_GetITStatus(void)Function desc
[i=s] This post was last edited by 29447945 on 2017-9-25 22:24 [/i] [align=left][font=微软雅黑][size=14px] (1) Work name: [/size][b][size=2] Simple sports watch [/size][/b] [size=14px](2) Introduction to