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I used it before, it was very convenient, but now I forget how to set it up :Cry: It's like this,For example, if I want to select all 0603 components, I just click 0603 in Explorer. ------------------
Fortunately, I was qualified to evaluate the popular N32G45XVL of the M4 core of National Technology . I received a N32G45XVL-STB development board.I downloaded the official information provided by EE
Some time ago, I made a 18B20 temperature measurement program. I checked a lot of information on the Internet and found that this is a very old program. So I am ashamed to bring up this question again
Dear experts, please help me: I am using EP9307+WINCE4.2. NET, and now I want to use TFT screen for display. In the BSP package, I need to set the following parameters. Can anyone help me? What does e