matlab simulink communication system simulation

matlab simulink communication system simulation


Detailed explanation of MATLABSimulink communication system modeling and simulation (Liu Xueyong) video accompanying the book

Total of 13 lessons15 hours and 53 minutes and 35 seconds

simulink simulation teaching video

simulink simulation teaching video


simulink simulation teaching video

Total of 98 lessons16 hours and 46 minutes and 9 seconds

simulink video tutorial

simulink video tutorial


simulink video tutorial

Total of 61 lessons22 hours and 6 minutes and 17 seconds

MATLAB application encyclopedia video accompanying the book

MATLAB application encyclopedia video accompanying the book


The basics chapter introduces MATLAB basics, array and matrix analysis, and string analysis; the scientific operations chapter introduces MATLAB data analysis, integral and differential operations, probability and mathematical statistics, and symbolic calculations; the data visualization chapter introduces the visualization of two-dimensional and three-dimensional data ; The programming chapter introduces basic MATLAB programming, program debugging and programming skills; the simulation chapter introduces basic knowledge of Simulink, Simulink modeling and S-functions; the advanced application chapter introduces GUI programming development, GUIde tool to create GUI interface, folder management and File I/O operation, MATLAB compiler; toolbox and interface programming chapter introduces four toolboxes such as signal processing, wavelet analysis, image processing, and neural network, and also introduces the interface technology between MATLAB and Word and Excel.

Total of 23 lessons1 days and 27 minutes and 39 seconds

Easily simulate and control quadcopter with MATLAB & Simulink

Easily simulate and control quadcopter with MATLAB & Simulink


Use matlab simulink for simulation and control of quadcopter

Total of 1 lessons40 minutes and 3 seconds




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