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Live replay: ams medical/industrial CT medical imaging detector chip applications and solutions

Total of 1 lesson ,1 hours and 10 minutes and 4 seconds

Throughout the industrial field, advanced X-ray imaging equipment provides us with a window to see through objects. Images generated by imaging equipment such as CT scanners or digital X-ray flat-panel detectors can help improve the efficiency of security screening machines, ensure safe travel, and ensure high-quality quality control of critical components. Our technology enables high-resolution images at high scan speeds while minimizing power consumption. And in the medical industry, high-speed and ultra-low-noise detector solutions enable manufacturers of CT scanning equipment to generate motion-free CT images while patients receive low doses of radiation. ams Osram is further developing its leading imaging sensing expertise to achieve unprecedented image quality at lower doses, offering a range of high-performance solutions for three- and four-side stitchable options and delivering low-noise, ultra-low power consumption and high readout speed.

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