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  • PN junction depth measurement experiment
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  • Duration:3 minutes and 6 seconds
  • Date:2021/07/18
  • Uploader:老白菜

This course is a core course for majors such as "Electronic Information Science and Technology" and "Microelectronics Science and Engineering". It comprehensively and systematically introduces the basic knowledge of microelectronics technology, focusing on individual chip manufacturing processes, including: epitaxy, thermal oxidation, diffusion, ion implantation, chemical vapor deposition, physical vapor deposition, photolithography, and etching. Metal interconnections, typical process integration, key process equipment, and future development trends of microelectronics processes are also introduced. Through the study of this course, students can have a comprehensive understanding of microelectronics process technology and lay a solid foundation for subsequent professional courses. It is also conducive to the improvement of students' professional quality.

The characteristic of this course is that it explains the basic physical and chemical knowledge on which key processes rely, and also introduces the key process parameter testing technology through experimental videos.

Enable learners to master the basic principles, methods, and uses of key microelectronic processes; become familiar with the main process equipment and testing instruments; and understand the manufacturing process of typical integrated circuit chips.

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