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  • Design and implementation of monitors and condition variables
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  • Duration:24 minutes and 39 seconds
  • Date:2020/10/11
  • Uploader:桂花蒸
keywords: operating system OS
The operating system is the core system software in the computer system that is responsible for managing various software and hardware resources, and provides a good environment for application software to run. Mastering the basic principles of operating systems and their core technologies is a basic requirement for undergraduate computer science graduates from research-oriented universities. This course is a core course for computer majors. It uses mainstream operating systems as examples and the teaching operating system ucore as the experimental environment. It teaches the concepts, basic principles and implementation techniques of operating systems, and prepares students for the research and development of operating system software and the full use of operations. System functions to lay a solid foundation for application software research and development. Course wiki page: http://os.cs.tsinghua.edu.cn/oscourse/OS2018spring Course Q&A and communication area: https://piazza.com/tsinghua.edu.cn/spring2015/30240243x/home
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