Verilog HDL digital integrated circuit design principles and applications Cai Jueping and He Xiaochuan lectured by Cai Jueping and Li Zhenrong of Xi'an University of Electronic Science and Technology
Typical applications for the 2200 Series multi-channel power supplies include:Circuit designElectrical Engineering Student LabMaterials researchAutomatic testingSpecificationIsolation volt
There is a project that needs to be developed using DSP, mainly algorithm optimization. I have a good foundation in C and data structure, but I have almost no experience with DSP before. Will it take
I would like to ask you, is it true that the same clock source of 430 cannot be shared by different modules at the same time? For example, SMCLK cannot be shared by USART module and time_A at the same
I adjust the internal clock configuration, the procedure is as follows
void RCC_HSIConfig(u32 RCC_HSI){u32 tmpreg = 0;/* Check the parameters *//* Reset HSEON and HSEBYP bits before configuring the HS
Help: I took over a TMDX570LS20216 development board midway. I heard it was purchased two years ago. There is a development kit in the box, but no circuit connection diagram. The hardware has not been