Course background:
The Internet of Things is the extension and expansion of the Internet. Data connection with the Internet is a basic component of most Internet of Things applications. This course mainly explains how to connect Arduino to the Internet through the network peripheral module.
Core content:
1. Basic principles of network communication.
2. Basic concepts of network communication. (IP address, gateway, DNS, MAC address, Server, Client).
3. How to use the Arduino Ethernet module.
4. How to use the Wi-Fi module in Arduino.
Software environment: Arduino IDE, Fritzing
Course level: Elementary
Suitable for the crowd:
Enthusiasts of embedded, Internet of Things, and smart hardware with zero foundation.
Activating and using algorithm libraries In addition to the functions introduced in the previous section, the BlueMS app has several additional algorithm libraries. Here is how to activate and use the
[size=9pt][b]3 Encoder[/b][/size] [size=9pt][b]3.1 Preprocessing[/b][/size] [size=9pt] In MWI, the speech signal first passes through a high-pass filter (see Figure 1) to remove the DC component and 5
This section discusses external interrupts. Reading the introduction and understanding the program is the best way. External interrupts are the lowest priority interrupts of MSP430 and are maskable in
The phase noise index has a very obvious impact on current RF microwave systems, mobile communication systems, radar systems and other electronic systems, and will directly affect the quality of syste
I am a novice. As far as I know, AVR has three timers/counters. Since I have used T/c1 as two-way PWM output, I need two ports to be used as external counters. But I found that only T0 has this functi