Explain complex switching power supply knowledge in a simple and easy-to-understand manner, use simulation methods to assist teaching, and teach you step by step how to develop practical switching power supplies.
Reprinted from: deyisupport There are two excellent blog posts about instrumentation amplifier (INA) power supply and common mode rejection ratio (PSRR & CMRR). (See "Dealing with rejection issues: In
[color=#000000][font=微软雅黑]Reposted from deyisupport[/font][/color][color=#000000][font=微软雅黑] [/font][/color][align=left][size=12px][font=微软雅黑][color=#000000]Have you ever seen a car moving forward whi
I used a lamp to monitor the WWG interrupt. Normally, the state of the lamp would change every 20 interrupts (mainly because the watchdog is fed once every 58.25MS, and I want the LED to flash approxi
I want to learn about microcontrollers by myself, but the learning software on the Internet is quite mixed and difficult to choose. Yes, I am a rookie. Please give me some advice...:congratulate:
Next week, some heavyweight and shocking boards will arrive at EEWORLD!!!How shocking it can be!!!How much weight do you want!!!29th, please stay tuned~~~~~:victory: