Explain complex switching power supply knowledge in a simple and easy-to-understand manner, use simulation methods to assist teaching, and teach you step by step how to develop practical switching power supplies.
[i=s]This post was last edited by haha丶 on 2021-7-9 10:10[/i]As shown in the figure, this is about using a signal generator and a spectrum analyzer to estimate the gain of an antenna by its transmit a
There was a discussion about operating systems before, which sparked the idea of [url]https://en.eeworld.com/bbs/thread-93169-1-1.html[/url] bench. Are you interested in joining him? :lol
I'm looking for the COG-16265 -I2C data sheet!!! And its related information!!! Use 51 I/O port to simulate I2C interface and connect it. If there is a program for COG-16265 -I2C and 51, it would be b