Explain complex switching power supply knowledge in a simple and easy-to-understand manner, use simulation methods to assist teaching, and teach you step by step how to develop practical switching power supplies.
[align=left][color=#333333][color=#000][font=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif][size=12px]ab=(p->Uab/p->Udref/2+0.5) ;//The maximum value of Uab is 3000, let’s talk about the specific value abf=(p->Uabf/p-
Over the years, manufacturers have introduced LED lamps to the market with the ultimate goal of replacing incandescent and compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs). The design of these lamps has evolved from
I want to have an alarm clock like this: [url=https://ksr-video.imgix.net/projects/2117079/video-622885-h264_high.mp4]https://ksr-video.imgix.net/projects/2117079/video-622885-h264_high.mp4[/url] A te
When learning about the data memory of a PIC microcontroller, it is necessary not only to understand the functions of each register unit, but also to call them to achieve the purpose of programming wh
By Glenn Morita Introduction Although capacitors are widely considered a panacea for noise-related problems, there is more to them than meets the eye. Designers often think that adding a few capacitor